Etymotic debuts: Etymotic’s ETY·Kids Safe-Listening Earphones for Apple products

Today’s tech-connected kids live in a high-definition world. They are bombarded by sound from music players, game consoles, tablets and in-vehicle entertainment systems. Studies show that overexposure to loud sounds leads to hearing damage seen later in life. Parents can take steps to help their kids hear for a lifetime with Etymotic’s ETY·Kids Safe-Listening Earphones for Apple products. The ETY·Kids3 headset, which features three-button control and a mic designed for use with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.
Sound heard through ETY·Kids earphones will not exceed safe levels, so parents can rest easy. Even at the maximum volume setting on portable players, kids can listen safely for up to four hours per day. ETY·Kids earphones also block out background noise, and provide high-definition sound quality so kids will be able to hear every detail, and won’t complain that the volume is too low.
Most parents understand that earphones can pose a real threat to hearing health, but are unsure how to manage their kids’ listening time or material. “Our goal is to provide a peace-of-mind solution for concerned parents who want to establish good listening habits while children are young.” Mark Karnes managing director of consumer products for Etymotic
ETY∙Kids are available in two versions – the ETY·Kids3, a three-button control headset with mic designed to work with Apple products, and the ETY·Kids5 universal earphone that works with any portable device.
The ETY·Kids3 headset will feature AWARENESS! for Etymotic, an app that “listens” to users’ surroundings and mixes any noise louder than normal background sounds directly into the earphones, so kids can hear traffic, announcements or any other important sounds while they are listening. Both products provide clear, high-definition speech and music reproduction and come with kid-friendly eartips to ensure a seal that blocks outside sound.
Etymotic is showing the ETY·Kids3, along with the ETY·Kids5 and a range of other products that promote hearing wellness and sound quality at International CES 2012, booth 4014. The company will feature an interactive demo at the booth that shows the difference in sound quality and volume when music is heard through standard Apple earbuds and the ETY·Kids3.
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